Join fuentesdesign at our upcoming presentations:


This lecture will be targeted towards professionals in the green building industry, and is the first in a two-part series. This two part series will discuss important design considerations that apply to high performance building envelopes.  From foundations to roof assemblies, this series will discuss the importance of eliminating thermal bridging and achieving a continuous insulation layer and air barrier, highlighting important areas for both design and structural detailing. With unique experience building and designing with various systems, we will discuss the pros and cons of various insulation and framing systems, highlighting local case study examples.For our first session, we will provide an overview of passive house theory, common passive house envelope design strategies, and best practices in construction.   The key concepts described in the presentation will include understanding of the importance of continuous air and thermal barriers, thermal bridge free detailing, and European passive house glazing design and shading strategies.  An overview of common passive house modeling software will also be reviewed.

Our speakers will be: Brian Fuentes, AIA, CPHC, See the Colorado Green Building Guild for more information. 

CGBG: August 12th: Brown Bag Series: High Performance Building Envelopes – Part 2

This lecture will be targeted towards professionals in the green building industry, and is the second in a two-part series. This two part series will discuss important design considerations that apply to high performance building envelopes.  From foundations to roof assemblies, this series will discuss the importance of eliminating thermal bridging and achieving a continuous insulation layer and air barrier, highlighting important areas for both design and structural detailing. With unique experience building and designing with various systems, we will discuss the pros and cons of various insulation and framing systems, highlighting local case study examples.
 For our second session, we will explore in more detail and case study format the challenges of detailing passive house envelopes in terms of different soils conditions, common thermal bridges, European passive house window detailing, and quality control and quality assurance in passive house envelope performance.  The key concepts described in the presentation will include understanding of various high performance floor, wall/window and roof systems and their successful application in construction.
 Our speakers will be: Brian Fuentes, AIA, CPHC, See the Colorado Green Building Guild for more information. 

Sustainable Living Fair: Green Building Tent- Passive House and Zero Energy Homes

When: Saturday Sept. 20th, 11 am – 12:00 pm, Brian Fuentes, fuentesdesign LLC
Where: Fort Collins
What: After 15 years of experience designing and building net zero energy, straw bale and passive house type homes in Boulder and around Colorado, Architect and Builder Brian Fuentes AIA will share case studies of real green building projects and the lessons learned on what works, what doesn’t and where the best place to put your money for truly ecologically-minded, healthy, resilient homes. See Sustainable Living Fair for more info.